Career Seeker

Thank you for choosing Steffan & Co., Incorporated, to assist you with your employment search. As a direct-hire agency, Steffan & Co., Incorporated, works with 100’s of firms throughout the United States. Our mission is to help those firms find qualified diverse talent to fill their job vacancies; in this way, we help you find a challenging and fulfilling full-time permanent job. The employers pay all fees related to our service.

The first step in helping you obtain a full-time permanent position is an initial video interview and online testing session. We understand that this step of the process can be stressful, and we realize that very few people like to be tested, but we find that the vast majority of people, nervous as they may be, pass the tests with flying colors!

Once the interviewing and testing are completed, we send the results to the employer. From this information, they choose the applicants they would like to see. Appointments with the employer are then scheduled through our office. We will provide you with directions to the interview location, and we will answer any questions or concerns you might have. In return, we expect you to arrive on time, appropriately attired and prepared for the interview. We also ask that you call us as soon as the interview is completed; this feedback is important when we discuss the interview with the employer.

When you are chosen for the job and accept the position, we will help you set up a starting date, and we will help you through the process of terminating your current employment. We have found that this can be as stressful as starting a new job, and we want you to know that we are available to assist you in any way we are able. Once you begin your new job, we will keep in touch periodically, usually for the first three months of employment. Again, though, please understand that we are available to answer any questions or concerns you might have no matter how long ago you were placed.

If, unfortunately, you are not selected for a specific position, don’t despair! We often have similar positions with other firms. We will keep your resume on file and will continue to work with you in finding a new job.

Again, thank you for choosing Steffan & Co., Incorporated. Together, with your skills and hard work, and our knowledge and experience, we can make your job search both productive and enjoyable!

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